Tips and Tricks


The staff at Morihira Dental have many ways of improving your oral health.  Biannual checkups and cleanings allow our dentists and hygienists to keep tabs on changes in your teeth and gums. While you may not notice a change in your dental health, we will. This allows us to start treatments to make your mouth healthy again.


When you leave your professional teeth cleaning, your mouth is in a clean slate.  It is free from bacterial buildup and food debris.  With those irritants out of the way, your body is able to clear up any inflammation or minor infections present in the gums.

Your job is to keep your mouth in a “clean slate” state with your home oral hygiene routine.

To keep things clean, you should adhere to the following schedule:

1.      Brush your teeth twice daily: once after breakfast as you start your day, once before bedtime. Make sure your toothbrush bristles touch your gums, and use an electric toothbrush if possible.

2.      Floss your teeth every night before bed. This step is absolutely essential for warding off gum disease. Flossing is the only way to remove bacteria and food from between the teeth.  Brushing alone just does not cut it.

3.      Use a recommended mouthwash as directed. Some are pre-brush rinses, and others need to soak onto the teeth after brushing and flossing.  Ask our dental team what might be best for you.

Hopefully these tips will help you keep your mouth in a clean slate. Happy cleaning!

The Morihira Dental Team